What muscles to lean over Asuka? How to lean over asuka

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  In fitness exercises, leaning over birds is a well-known and effective exercise. Of course, if one person trains over leaning birds, there are many benefits, but if you want to have these benefits, the correct method of action is very important, but many people I don’t know what to practice leaning over Asuka, how to practice. So, what muscles leaned over Asuka to train? How to practice leaning over Asuka? Let’s take a look at the leaning bird.

  What muscles leaned over Asuka

  The main part of the leaning bird exercises is our deltoid muscle back bundle, and everyone knows that the deltoid muscle back bundle, although it looks like an unobtrusive muscle, it greatly affects the beauty of our shoulders. Generally speaking, training of the deltoid muscle is difficult. Once the shape is fixed, it is very difficult to change, and its angle range is also very small, so everyone is easy to confuse with the trapezius muscle. Therefore, we must remember Live, leaning over the bird to exercise is the deltoid back beam.

  How to practice leaning over Asuka

  1. Starting position

  When doing this sport, we have to separate our feet, and the width between our feet is the same width as our shoulders. The next two new hands are to face each other, and then be able to exercise the back of the deltoid muscle and the upper back muscles. First, we hold the dumbbells first, and then the upper body is bent forward to be parallel to the ground. The two legs can be slightly bent, so that the lower part of our back does not have any tension.

  2. Action essentials

  Next, we must do the exercise essentials after the initial posture. At the beginning, we need to lift the dumbbells in both hands, straight up to the side, almost parallel to the back or slightly over the back, then stop, and then Then slowly restore the dumbbell to its original position. However, when doing repetitive movements, raise your elbows, that is, you must first lift and stretch your elbows to start. When doing these movements, you must put your own elbows. The three joints of the shoulder, elbow and wrist should be stretched and contracted. Try to be straight and bend in the process, and be retracted in the middle. It is the highest state to be able to exert strength and connotation. And we must concentrate our minds in the process of doing this exercise, it is best not to use force to complete this action, and also to inhale when opening the arms, and exhale when closing the arms. .

  Lean over Asuka precautions

  1. The leaning posture is not easy to grasp the essentials, first choose a small weight.

  2. Pay attention to steady movements in the dynamic, and cannot use the power of the swing arm to complete the movement.

  3. Minimize the waist swing as much as possible, and concentrate on the back.

  4. When the load increases to a certain level, the waist will feel overburdened.

  5. To ensure safety, keep increasing the load as planned to prevent lumbar muscle strain.

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