Many people train hard instead of being smart. It is true that you have to train hard to get real benefits, but gyms all over the world are training hard, and by working smarter rather than just working harder, you can make their training more effective. In order to maximize the efficiency of training, daily activities need to use all possible opportunities to adapt and grow. A representative rhythm can completely change the way of exercise and its results, but it is easy to fall into the trap of lifting the heavier the better, rather than focusing on the way of lifting.
The importance of beats in muscle acquisition
Rhythm can completely change the way you exercise and the results you get. It can also ensure that the muscles exert maximum tension during contraction: minimize momentum or cheat. Because variable speed can make the range of motion smoother, it is unlikely to cause injury. You will feel the appearance is deeper and shrink more, which in turn will bring you better results.
What is the rhythm of weightlifting?
Weightlifting rhythm is the number of seconds you need to complete a complete repetition. In this sense, repetition is from the starting position to its range, and then back to the starting position. The beat is usually represented by three or four numbers, each corresponding to a different part of the range of motion. If you take biceps flexion as an example, divide it into four separate parts:
negative part-elbow bends, weight increases; then eccentrically lowers the weight to the bottom of the range
Bottom of range-arm reaches maximum extension
front part-arms curl backwards in a concentric manner
Original position-the arm returns to the original position and maintains isometric contraction
These four stages constitute the number that the rhythm is broken down into. The speed of 3/1/2/1 means falling for 3 seconds, pausing for 1 second, returning for 2 seconds, pausing for 1 second, and then repeating. And 4/0/3/0 means falling for 4 seconds, without stopping, rising for 3 seconds, without stopping and then repeating. Ideally, the representative time should be kept at about 7 seconds; facts have proved that this is the best time for muscle growth. Studies have shown that for muscle development, each group of muscles needs to withstand 30-70 seconds of tension. I am grateful this time, but everyone is different, so it is worth a try to see what is best for your body.
The most important part of rep is when the fiber is stretched under tension (ie eccentric in the downward phase). This is the time when the degree of micro damage is the greatest, and representative work should be emphasized. Most people tend to focus on sales representatives instead of staying at the top or bottom. Depending on the exercise, you can increase the intensity of the exercise by adding these pauses. Contracting at the bottom or top of the amplitude will make the muscles work harder. It is important to remember that different exercises will have different areas, but this will apply to different areas. Take biceps bending again as an example (if it is a free standing exercise), you will not feel tension in the second stage, and you will feel tension in the fourth stage. What rhythm suits me?

If you have never considered the speed of modification, then reduce the weight and start with 4/0/3/0. The biggest common mistake of most cranes is to deliver the representative too quickly. Not only are you more prone to injury, you will also lose your body. When you lose your body, the focus will shift to the working muscles, and when you cheat, they also lose their tension. In order to get the best results, the muscles need to stay tense throughout the process. Speed training puts more pressure on working muscles, forcing you to maintain a state, so as to ensure better results.
There are many studies on training rhythm, but usually a good starting point is:
negative part (off-center): 2-6 seconds
Lower limit of range: 02 seconds
Positive part (concentric): 1-3 seconds
Starting position: 02 seconds
is the same sentence, this is because different people react differently. What works for one person may not work for the next. Take a look at what you are doing now, and then try to apply the principles behind speed-lifting. Adjust the suggested time until you find the time that suits you best.
This is not performance, this is when the muscles are tense, and this is the time that really brings results. If you slow down the speed of the sound, you will feel the muscles move more vigorously. It is this intensity that will drive your results.