How many kilometers is suitable for a man to walk every day

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  In fitness exercises, walking is a very good fitness exercise. Of course, if a person often walks, it will be of great help to the body, and there is no restriction on age, gender, physical strength, etc. . So, how many kilometers is suitable for a man to walk every day? Next, let’s find out how many kilometers is appropriate to walk.

  How many kilometers is suitable for a man to walk every day?

  It is generally believed that you insist on 30-60 minutes a day, about 3-5 kilometers, 5,000 to 8,000 steps, if you can’t persist at one time, you can do it in multiple times depending on your physical condition. Walkers with good physical ability through 3-6 months of walking exercises will strive to reach 10,000 steps per hour per day. At least 4-5 times a week, persevere. In short, the appropriate amount of exercise should be selected according to age and physical condition, that is, the appropriate walking speed and duration. Studies have found that for most people, striving higher than 120 steps per minute has a significant exercise effect on the body. Note that the stride length should not be too large: too large a stride length will cause hips and cause unnecessary damage.

  The benefits of men’s walking

  1. Prevent heart disease

  Studies have shown that walking for more than 3 hours a week for men can reduce the risk of heart disease by 35-40%; walking for 30 minutes every day can maintain the health of the cardiopulmonary function. Even if there is no way to walk for a period of time in the sky, the accumulation of short-term walking can be effective.

  2. Prevent arteriosclerosis

  The unhealthy eating habits of modern people make the cholesterol and neutral fat in the blood increase abnormally. Excessive amount of cholesterol in the blood will gradually penetrate into the blood vessel wall, and the arteries will become hard, brittle and narrow, and blood circulation will not be sufficient, which can easily induce myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction and other diseases. Cholesterol is divided into good HDL and bad LDL. Good HDL will send excess cholesterol to the liver to prevent arteriosclerosis. Walking for more than 20 minutes will help break down and burn neutral fat in the body and increase the amount of HDL.

  3. Walking to avoid fatty liver

  Researchers have found that people who walk often have better blood circulation, and blood can flow to the ends of many capillaries that gather in the liver, and the liver’s metabolic function is better.

  4. Prevention and treatment of diabetes

  Most of the causes of diabetes in middle-aged and elderly people are due to overeating, insufficient exercise and stress. Limiting the amount of diet, reducing the sugar accumulated in the body, and then using exercise to consume a large amount of glucose that is stored in the muscles as an energy source can reduce it. Blood sugar level. Walking briskly for 1 hour a day has a 50% preventive effect on type 2 diabetes.

  Diabetic patients must pay attention to pace, and it is best to carry snacks with them to supplement energy to prevent hypoglycemia.

  5. Stay away from the threat of breast cancer

  A 20-year-long statistical study pointed out that exercising for more than 7 hours a week can reduce the incidence of breast cancer by 20%, and the most ideal exercise is walking.

  6. ​​Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease

  Silver-haired people over 60 years old, 3 days a week, 45 minutes or more of walking exercise each time, help maintain better cognitive function. The most oxygen-consuming part of the human body is the brain nerve cells. Deep breathing can provide sufficient oxygen to the brain and promote the function activation of brain nerve cells. While walking while cooperating with breathing, you can obtain the dual effects of activating blood throughout the body and smoothing cerebral circulation. Returning to strength will naturally prevent forgetfulness and dementia.

  7. Walking can lower blood pressure

  After a person reaches middle age, blood pressure will probably rise, but walking can reduce hormone secretion (because hormones increase blood pressure), thereby reducing the chance of blood pressure rising; the second is that walking will increase the secretion of taurocholic acid, and taurocholic acid has a decrease The role of blood pressure. To be safe, hypertensive patients should first communicate with their doctors to understand what the body can load, starting from walking, and gradually progressing to walking, but each time it should last for more than 30 minutes.

  8. Relieve osteoporosis

  The older the age, the more likely it is to lose bone mass, and the inside of the bones will become dry and brittle, which will lead to fractures or low back pain. It is not difficult to prevent osteoporosis. In addition to taking more calcium-containing foods, exercise cannot be reduced, and walking is more ideal. It is necessary to continue to walk towards the goal of 10,000 steps.

  9. Prevention of knee function and leg strength decline

  During active walking, the joints are not under pressure, but it can strengthen the muscles and help maintain the good ability of the lower limbs.

  10. Eliminate stress, help sleep and relieve depression

  Using both feet can improve the control state of the autonomic nerves in the body, make the switching between sympathetic nerves and parasympathetic nerves more flexible, help eliminate stress and make it easier to fall asleep.

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