How do men train their back muscles at home

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  If we insist on exercising, it will be of great help to people. It can effectively improve the physical fitness, and at the same time, it can also lose weight and shape. How to exercise the back muscles, you can exercise the abdomen by wide-grip dumbbell rowing, dumbbell one-arm rowing, push-up rowing and other movements. So, how do men exercise their back muscles at home? Let’s take a look together below!

  dumbbell rowing

  1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand (palms facing each other). Knee slightly, lean forward, bend over, keep your back straight so that your body is almost parallel to the floor. Tip: Keep your head up and look straight ahead. The arms holding the dumbbells sag naturally, keeping them perpendicular to the ground and body. This is the starting position of the action.

  2. Keep the body fixed, pull the dumbbells to the sides of the body, exhale at the same time, and press the elbows against the body (but the forearms should not be extra strong, just hold the dumbbells). At the highest point of the contraction, tighten the back muscles and hold for 1 second.

  3. Slowly lower the dumbbells to return to the starting position, and inhale at the same time.

  dumbbell one-arm rowing

  1. Choose a suitable fitness chair and place dumbbells on both sides of the fitness chair.

  2. Kneel your right leg on one end of the exercise chair, bend your body from the waist and keep it parallel to the ground, and hold the other end of the chair to support your body with your right hand.

  3. Hold the dumbbell on the left side of the floor with your left hand and keep your lower back straight. The palm faces the body. This is the starting position of the action.

  4. Pull the dumbbells to the side of the chest, the upper arms are close to the body, and the body is fixed. Exhale as you perform this action. Tip: When you reach a fully contracted state, focus on contracting the back muscles. Secondly, pay attention to the strength of the back muscles, not the arm strength. Finally, the upper torso should remain fixed and only allow the arms to move. All the forearms should do is to squeeze the dumbbells so do not use the forearms to pull the dumbbells.

  5. Return the dumbbells to the starting position. Inhale as you do this movement.

  push-up rowing

  1. Place a pair of lighter dumbbells parallel to the front. Straighten your back, bend down and squat, holding dumbbells. This is the starting position of the action.

  2. Start the action, push one leg back, then switch to the other leg to make yourself into a push-up position, holding dumbbells as support. Your weight should be distributed between your hands and toes. Do a rowing motion with both arms individually, and raise your elbows as much as possible.

  3. Jump forward with your feet, put down the weight but hold the dumbbells, and stand up. Then raise the dumbbell to shoulder height, palm forward, and jump for the second time. Squat down and stand up vigorously, then lift the dumbbells above your head and let your arms straighten completely.

  4. Lower the dumbbells to shoulder height, bend down and squat, and place the dumbbells on the ground in front. Repeat to the number of repetitions.

  dumbbell deadlift rowing

  1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand (palms facing each other). With your knees slightly, lean forward and bend your back to straighten your back so that your body is almost parallel to the floor. Tip: Keep your head up and look straight ahead. The arms holding the dumbbells sag naturally, keeping them perpendicular to the ground and body. This is the starting position of the action.

  2. Keep the body fixed, pull the dumbbells to the sides of the body, exhale at the same time, and contract the shoulder blades. During the contraction, tighten the back muscles and hold for 1 second.

  3. Slowly lower the dumbbells to return to the starting position, and inhale at the same time.

  middle back shrugs

  1. Lie on your stomach on the incline fitness bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand. The arms should be fully extended, and naturally sag toward the ground. The palms of your hands are facing each other. This is the starting position of the action.

  2. When exhaling, shrink the shoulder blades on both sides and hold it in the tightened state for one second. Tip: This movement is similar to a reversed hug movement, and it can also be used as a side-raising movement without arms.

  3. It returns to the starting position when inhaling.

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