I fell in love with this Shaker Bottle! It fits well. Can swing up and down. It is easy and comfortable to hold. Very fashionable. 28 ounces. It is mixed with the baby bottle. It has a lid that can be opened and kept still. It will not hit your nose. Very strong. I ordered two and loved them! One of my favorite things is these voltrx bottles! Drinking is fun! Would definitely recommend it to anyone!

I often check the protein shaker bottle every few years. I really don’t mix with them (I usually mix what I want to mix first and then match the cup), but I like the durability of the cup itself and how easy it is to drink when opened. I work 12 hours a week, several shifts a week. I need something to withstand the wear and tear of being pushed, dropped, and sitting in the refrigerator for endless nights. This is my third juice bottle-and one of the first voltrx brands. I highly recommend anyone who likes these Shaker Bottle or voltrx.