Protein is the most important of all other nutrients. In terms of proteins and their functions, it is easy to understand why. Protein is used as an energy source to promote muscle recovery and muscle growth.
Even if it is very important, sometimes it is difficult to meet all your protein needs, because protein is a source of protein supplements. Protein supplements are the most widely used supplements and are a very convenient way to increase protein intake.
But if you ask yourself: “When is the best time to consume protein? Please know that you are not alone!
In this article, we will explore the best time to consume protein based on your health goals.
different forms of protein
Whey Protein
This is a dairy-based protein. It contains rapidly released protein.
This is a dairy-based protein. It contains slow-release proteins, which are most beneficial for consumption before going to bed.
This is a plant-based protein. This is a good alternative to animal protein, and it also shows health benefits.
This is a plant-based protein that exhibits health-enhancing benefits.
When is the best time to consume protein?
The answer to this question depends entirely on the goals you set. Is your goal to lose weight, gain muscle, or maintain existing muscle?

Here, we turn to science. According to this research, here are some of the best times to add protein to your diet.
lose weight
Protein plays an innate role in reducing fat.
Research shows that eating a high-protein diet can help you lose weight. This is due to the thermal properties of protein. Protein also helps increase metabolism and reduce hunger.
This means that eating high-protein snacks can help you fill your stomach. Eating snacks can help you reduce your calorie intake, which will make you feel fuller and less likely to be exposed to food stress.
strengthen muscles
Protein is a key factor in muscle movement.
Building muscles requires a lot of resistance training to promote muscle growth. To help your muscles grow, you need to consume more protein. Protein is important for muscle protein synthesis. The window for maximum muscle protein synthesis depends on nutrition and exercise time.
A study conducted by the International Sports Nutrition Association (ISSN) showed that protein intake within two hours after training is an ideal choice for improving muscle mass. [8] Therefore, after exercise, there is no real need to eat. On the contrary, protein will be consumed within two hours after finishing exercise.
For those who train at the athletic level, it is particularly important to consider the issue of time. For the average person, it is more important to consider protein intake and comply with the recommended daily physical exercise guidelines.
Prevent muscle loss
As we get older, we are more likely to suffer muscle loss, fractures and diseases.
Nutrition and exercise are an important part of strengthening bones, muscles and joints.
It is recommended that the elderly add more protein to their diet to prevent muscle loss. This can be achieved by eating complete foods and supplements, with the recommended 25-30 grams of protein per meal.
Can I have some protein before going to bed?
The short answer is yes.
Ingesting protein before going to bed can help you gain muscle faster. This is because during training, we break down the protein in the muscles. These broken down forms of proteins are called amino acids.
The protein intake before sleep is low or zero, and the synthesis of muscle protein tends to slow down during sleep. By taking in these essential amino acids, your body will synthesize protein more efficiently during sleep.
The recommended dose is 20-30 grams, about 30 minutes before going to bed. [11] When choosing a source of protein intake before going to bed, casein proved to be very effective because it is a sustainable form of protein. 13 Other sources include dairy products such as yogurt, cereals and berry snacks, or a piece of brown bread with cheese.
How much protein is too much?
Long-term intake of too much nutrition usually brings risks, just like protein.
The recommended daily protein quality can be calculated based on your weight.
According to Healthline, for most people who rarely exercise, experts recommend at least 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. [14] If you exercise mainly through weight or body weight for most of the week, you can eat up to 1.2 to 1.7 g/kg of body weight a day.
However, some people, including elite athletes, may eat 3.5 grams per kilogram without any side effects.
Generally speaking, experts also believe that most healthy adults can tolerate 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight for a long time.
In general, it is important to maintain a healthy, balanced diet and an active lifestyle. Adjust your plan to achieve your goals, whether it is weight loss or muscle growth, is the best for your health and can be maintained for a long time.