In the previous dry goods article, we just talked about the difficulty of dumbbell press. If you still have an impression, you should remember that we said at the time that the over-the-top action has the longest power chain, and requires higher scapula and core stability. The dumbbell press is typical.
Many friends may feel that doing dumbbell press is not as difficult as imagined. Amuscle thinks that you must be sitting during inertial training. During the sitting dumbbell press, our back leaning on the back of the chair has already helped us. Takes most of the stability, but what if you change from a sitting position to a standing position?
You must be able to imagine that it is inevitable that the core cannot control the body to lean back a little, and the weight of the dumbbells will be greatly reduced. It is precisely because the standing posture better manages our core abilities, which greatly tests our shoulder blade stability and improves the strength of the whole body. It is more worthy of being arranged in our plan.
Of course, today we still start with the advanced action-alternate standing dumbbell press
Our preferred variant is to let the dumbbells face you at the beginning, and then rotate your palms outwards when you push, which is more in line with the natural range of movement of the shoulder joint and helps reduce the risk of injury.
In contrast, when most people push dumbbells in a sitting or standing position, their elbows are spread out to the sides. The result of the outward elbow is that the shoulder joint is in an unfavorable position on the mechanical level, which may cause damage to the joint because the shoulder joint is in an external rotation posture.
Below we will give you a clear explanation of standing dumbbell press, bringing you effective forms of action and common mistakes, so that all friends can safely and effectively complete standing dumbbell press.
Arnold standing alternately
1. Raise the dumbbells to shoulder height with palms facing the body
2. Separate your feet, shoulder width apart, fix your knees, and tighten your gluteus maximus
3. While keeping your back straight, push up the dumbbells and turn the dumbbells with your right hand, slowly turning your palms forward until your arms are fully extended. At this time, your palms should be facing forward and keep your elbows locked.
4. Slowly lower the weight and return to the starting position, with the palm facing the body at the lowest point
5. Repeat the action on the other side alternately in the same way
Action suggestion
1. When lifting the weight over the top of the head, keep the gluteus maximus and core tightened to prevent the lower back from arching excessively, and keep your chest and shoulders straight
2. At the highest point of the movement, the body should form a straight line from the foot to the hand being pushed
3. Look straight ahead, keep your head and neck straight, and avoid bowing your head forward
4. In the process of restoring, inhale, when you push up the dumbbells, exhale
common problem
1. Lean back and arch your lower back
It is the most common and dangerous posture when doing top press-whether it is a barbell, dumbbell or kettlebell. If there is not enough shoulder flexibility, or the weight used is too large, you may be able to take advantage of the force to complete the action by excessively bending the lower back.
This uncoordinated back posture can cause serious injuries, so it is essential to maintain the flexibility of the shoulder joint. Another common problem is “rib valgus”, that is, the core is not in a contracted state.

Ideally, the core should be tightened so that the ribs will be tightened during the press. Keeping the ribs in the lower position during the press is not easy and requires a long time of training.
2. The arm is not locked
When you lift the weight above your head, the ideal approach is to lock your arms at the top. The upper arm should be right next to the ear and in a vertical position. This position requires sufficient flexibility in the triceps and shoulders.
When the arms are fully extended, you can get a short rest at the highest point of the movement, and there should be a straight line passing gravity from the hands to the feet.
3. Push the weight up by turning sideways
Training with dumbbells is a good idea because it can help you correct muscle imbalances on the left and right sides of your body. If you find that you are unbalanced, such as the strength of your arms, or the quadratus lumborum or oblique muscles on one side of your body are weaker than the other, it may be difficult for you to keep your body in the correct posture at all times during the action.
The correct posture is to keep your body upright and stable so that your body will not sway from side to side. When you push up the dumbbells, your body will lean from side to side. Keep your head straight and your gluteus maximus muscles tightened to help prevent your body from shaking.
I hope here to help you confidently use the correct posture to complete the standing dumbbell press. Mastering this action can help you build a solid strength foundation, which is convenient for you to perform more advanced actions in the future, such as standing barbell strength referrals.